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Constitution Of ACC

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1: The name of the Association is the “American Cricket Conference” or will be referred to as ACC


Common Seal

2:  The common seal of the Association shall be kept in safe custody by the Chief Executive or such other person as the Board from time to time appoints, and shall not be used without a decision of the Association or of the Board.

Membership of Board

(3) The Board shall consist of the following members:

(a) The President of the Board,

(b) The Vice President of the Board

(c) The Secretary of the Board

Functions of the Board

(1) Subject to this Constitution and any resolution passed at a meeting of the Association, the Board may do anything necessary, convenient or desirable to further the objects of the Association.

(2) Without limiting the generality of the previous sub-clause, the Board may -

(a) exercise on behalf of the Association any of the legal powers or functions of the Association.

(b) make any necessary or convenient arrangements for the promotion, marketing and sponsorship of cricket within the boundaries of the Association

(c) determine the terms and conditions of employment of any employee of the Association or of any contractor engaged to perform services for the Association

(f) deal with disputes, disciplinary matters and appeals as they occurred.

(g) exercise any other power or function conferred on the Board by this Constitution;

(h) do anything incidental to the exercise of any of its powers or functions, and

(i) The Board shall give at least 14 day's notice to each Club and affiliate of its intention to make a Competition Rule and shall, at the same time, provide the text of the Competition Rule it proposes to make.Where the Board makes a Competition Rule, it shall report the details to the next meeting of the Association at which meeting the Association may approve or may disallow the reported Competition Rule or may direct the Board to make, in substitution for the reported Rule a Competition Rule in terms decided by the Association


All Cricket Clubs are eligible for membership in The American Cricket Conference

Voting Membership

 Any member in good standing with ACC, as defined in this constitution bylaws, shall be considered a voting member 



A.  President

1. The President shall preside over all meetings in ACC.

2. The President shall be the official representative of Cricket and administrative matters.

3. The President shall have the power to call regular and Special Meetings of Cricket Club.

4. The President shall have the power to form committees and to appoint their respective chairpersons.

5. The President shall perform or delegate all duties not Specifically outlined in this constitution, as required by Conference

6. The President shall have the power to recommend and appoint a suitable and  Eligible member in good standing for a position in one of the  ACC working committee

7. The President shall set goals to be achieved for each term.

8. Carry emergency contact information for all team functions.

9. President shall clearly define roles and responsibilities of each officer, and assign duties to them appropriately.

B.  Vice President

1. The Vice President shall assume all responsibilities of the President in his/her absence.

2. The Vice President shall perform all duties assigned to him/her by the President.

3. The Vice President shall ensure that the duties assigned to each officer are being delegated effectively by each officer.

D.  Secretary

1. The Secretary shall take minutes of ACC meetings.

2. The Secretary shall conduct all correspondence for Cricket Club.

3. The Secretary shall update ACC team roster as necessary.

4. The Secretary shall circulate publicity information if needed.

5. The Secretary shall compile ACC report information.

6. The Secretary shall be responsible for keeping update to all its members club.



The bylaws of this constitution shall be valid for intents and purposes as a part of this constitution. They require only a majority of votes to pass, suspend, or negate them Elections

The election procedures are as follows:

1. Elections will be held on every 4 year basis, in the spring, or as required. All ACC Team Captain.  are eligible to stand for office and vote in elections.

2. Notice of elections will be given at least a week in advance, to the members and a quorum shall be 50% of the members.

3. The elections will be determined by a simple majority of the members present at the election meting and will be by secret ballot. Proxy voting will be allowed. The term of the officers will be for four year, without limitations.


1. There should be at least two business meetings during each fall and spring.. Committee meetings will be scheduled as required.

2. The agenda for the business meetings will include, but not be limited to the, but not be limited to the induction of new members, Ratification

  1. This constitution shall be ratified by a two-thirds majority of the membership Amendments. Amendments to this constitution must be approved by a two-thirds majority of the Membership.
Last Updated ( Tuesday, 27 April 2010 21:21 )  


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